Thursday, April 9, 2009

International Careers

I'm taking a 1 hour course right now called International Careers. The purpose of it is to expose students to different government opportunities around the world. Today, as I sit in the class, I am listening to a former Peace Corp Volunteer. The man who normally teaches the class is 30 years in the Foreign Reserve. He has served all over the world as an ambassador, head of regional areas, project manager, and many other titles. His experiences and stories are incredible, and it is neat to consider joining the foreign service (or even the Peace Corp).

I take all this information, and I begin to digest it each Thursday. Joining the foreign service is appealing because of all the benefits, traveling opportunities, and exciting lifestyle. I even consider opportunities to coordinate missionaries into countries where I am working. Wouldn't it be cool to work for the US government, be protected by the US government, but spend evenings and free time spreading the gospel and actually impacting those countries (I'm not trying to discredit opportunities right here in the United States, but there is a need for Christians in the United States to be more evangelically proactive here and abroad.) Regarding the current speaker, it is so sad that there are so many people trying to make the world a better place. Specifically, the feminist sitting in front of me loves her involvement in the Foreign Service and previously in the Peace Corp. Why is she so motivated to promote clean water pumps, make a map of her village, teach sex education, and encourage a better way of life? What moral character was instilled in her? It is evident, despite her efforts, that she is a very sinful person, and she has already implied a denial of the true God several times. This is so frustrating. I am all for sustainability, stewardship of resources, promoting cleanliness and health technology in third world countries, and increasing quality of life, but what good does it do to make someone's life better if it has no eternal weight? Christians need to step up and stop encouraging any "good work" without a gospel message. What good does it do to help the poor and show compassion without it being in Christ's name? Ponder that and look for your own opportunities to help organizations spreading the gospel and helping the unfortunate.

Check out to see how Compassion International provides hygiene education, schoolwork help, food, and Biblical teaching to impoverished children around the world.

Also, see the Foreign Service Website - for more information about their opportunities to apply for and work in Embassies around the world.

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