Sunday, April 5, 2009

Emotions are dangerous but hopefully not this time.

I despise emotion because it often distorts absolutes. A feeling can often change something that you have known is true for a very long time. I hate that. But tonight, I'm swirling with emotions as a result of truth. Here are a few things that are causing my emotion (it's a random selection of emotions):

Emotion: Thrill, Reverence, Excitement, Love, Awe
I love that the Lord constantly convicts me of new sins. I used to find this discouraging, but I now realize that it's a blessing to see that growth. The Bible tells me that the Holy Spirit will work in my life to "root out" and "expose" my unrighteousness. What a great affirmation to see. It's also a great feeling to be driven to cling to Christ by the realization of feebleness and inability to survive on my own.

Emotion: Thankfulness, Excitement, Happiness
I have a great job at a great company that is constantly presenting me with new opportunities. I appreciate how much respect I am given by business men more than twice my age. I was sitting in Flying Star Cafe with friends, and the owner of the largest mortgage company in New Mexico greeted me by name and asked me how I was doing. Granted, I'm working on a large project for him right now, but I really was amazed by his recognition of me given his place in society. It's another attribution to God's provision and one more opportunity for me to shift glory and thank the Lord for giving me so much in so many different areas.

Emotion: Thankfulness, Awe, Worshipful
Church fellowship is crucial to growth and exhortation toward good works. I could not be more proud of the growth I have seen in everyone at church. Never before have I seen such solid and recognizable growth than that which has been made evident most recently in the lives of Lauren, Ryan, and so many others. I am also encouraged to see newer believers so excited by the word, (i.e Adam).

Emotion: Happiness
Preaching the gospel is so rewarding. I love college; it has been such a struggle with sin, but it has also been an awesome opportunity to talk about what I believe with many that I meet. Also, the conversations can be so much more real than with the superficiality that Christian school creates. I am a sinner and no matter how strong I seem in the Lord, I have and will stumble. I try daily to make no provision for that, but I do make mistakes. Without having to meet a quota for happiness and holiness by human standards, I can be real and honest about the sin that I struggle with. While confessing my sin to believers, and discussing my changed heart with unbelievers, I am drawn even closer to Christ. Want to accelerate your relationship with the Lord? Preach the gospel truthfully, make no provision for sin, and be thankful and conscientious of every provision in your life. God is at work in the life of a believer, and it is astounding.

Emotion: Discontentment, Impatience
I think daily about getting married. I want children to teach and grow in Godliness. I want a wife to exhort and love and spend time with. It grows harder by the day. That's that for now. I'll write a whole blog on this later.

I have many more emotions and situations driving these emotions, but flying star is kicking me out because it is 10:35. Praise God from whom all blessings flow; I can't wait for tomorrow and the rest of my life because this year has been such a jumpstart.

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