Thursday, April 9, 2009

I am . . .

I am lost for words.

That's likely a first time in a long time. Sometimes people ask me the question, "Do you ever stop talking besides in your sleep?" I have to respond, "Rarely do I stop talking, even in my sleep." Anyway, that was a silly story. My point is: I am all talked out. Sydney Ruiz, Mike Henry, and I talked from the end of Navigators until 1:30 this morning, hence the reason I am still awake. I appreciate talking to people that have similar interests to me and can keep a conversation going for indefinite amounts of time. It was nice to get to know Mike better, and I discovered that my intuition about people is regularly correct.

My words are beginning to come back. It seems like the Lord constantly has a theme for my life for a given period of time. For the last month, the theme has been about self-examination, ridding oneself of sin, especially the little things, and being introspective to evaluate your heart. I also found myself, out of pride, being very critical of other people in sin (sometimes a bad idea). Anyway, the storyline that I am trying to say is that I went through a recent time of real growth in searching out and destroying pet sins. To see the Lord working in those instances by bringing them to light, humbling my heart, and working out situations for those sins to be acknowledged and dealt with, showed me a more clear way of the Holy Spirit's active work in the life of a believer. It was a great learning experience full of sanctification, as always.

Going back to my late night conversation with Mike and Sydney, I believe the Lord is teaching me about relationships, impacting others lives on a personal level, and dealing with people. It's interesting to see how my thoughts have shifted to relationship analysis so much even just this week. I'm still toying with all these different concepts, but it will be interesting to see how relationships with current friends continue to grow even stronger, and maybe other relationships will begin. What an exciting time!

I thank God for His provision in my life emotionally, relationally, motivationally, and physically. What a great God I serve by His grace.

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